Monday, February 4, 2008

There's somebody out there!

I'm not alone anymore. Apparantly somebody has read my blog. Big thanks to Matthew Butler for his encouraging words. I'll cerntainly listen to them and re-read parts of T. Kytes book again, as needed.
As a matter of fact I've been challenged by Mentor-Thyge to give a presentation of Oracles memory structure and the underlying processes later this week. I believe I have an OK understanding of this, but am also sure he can ask MANY questions that I will not be able to answer.

A few of us "MEEP"'ers have discussed our 1st month with the program and a few things came up. The main source of concern/frustration was the scope of the program. Not so much whether it was 3000 or 4000 pages, but more to have a set list of books that should be covered. The reason for this discussion was a few mails regarding 3 new items on the MEEP-list, not originally included by Jan. 1st. Further more there was also talks about a few books for MS/SQL server.

I presented this to Mogens, who in ususal style respondend "...the first E in MEEP is for Extreme.."! Basically, suck it up!!
My point for bringing it to his attention was not to reduce the ammount of reading, but more to get a final scope defined. I believe it's easier to envision one finishing a race, if one knows the distance to cover.
Kinda feels like this:Don't get me wrong.. I actually enjoy learning something new. It challenges me and I like pushing myself (and also the occaitional push from others). I only feel that if I'm going to be evaluated on my progress after 90 days of MEEP, it's nice to know what topics are to be covered.

As far as my progress report .. here goes. I've finished the T. Kyte book last friday and have read the first 4 chapters of Lex de Haan's "Mastering Oracle SQL...". I actually knew this stuff, so that gave me some confidence back. I'm sure though, as I continue through the book I'll encounter many new aspects of SQL.


Unknown said...

Looking forward to your presentation tomorrow;-)

purplepangolin said...


I like the sound of MEEP and first heard about it from Tom Kyte's blog. Is there a list of all the books you're using anywhere? I have seen a number of posts on this and other blogs that mention some of the books, but no full list.